Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Brighton brighten my April

What an amazing weekend, hottest one of record since the 1940s apparently...even better that it fell over a Bank Holiday one too!  I decided to go and admire the shores of Brighton with a friend, although I have to admit it did feel a little strange sitting in a bikini on the Beach in April, however never too late to pick up a tan!

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Chanel Mademoiselle

It's been a while since I last blogged... but couldn't resist when I came across these advertorials of Blake Lively by Karl Largerfeld for Chanel Mademoiselle Handbags. Sassy, sophisticated and polished, the former Gossip Girl star helps to target a younger female demographic for the brand, where audiences can identify and form personal relationships.

This particular extension of the website has great digital animation, with horizontal and vertical screens moving to enhance the consumers online shopping experience, appearing almost as an online magazine or lookbook.  I would recommend going on the Chanel website and give it a try for yourselves...

My favourite of the small leather goods is the Large Zip Pocket Wallet...hopefully this will be on my April wish list!